Tag - Jet Program

Index cards filled with songs. Happy Deskwarming!

Deskwarming Diaries #4

Welcome to another edition of Deskwarming Diaries, where a bored-out-of-her-mind ALT struggles to find something to do until lunch time. Today’s post features chashu pork and phonics confusion. Let’s jump in!

Deskwarming Diaries #3

Welcome back to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries! After taking Monday off because she couldn’t imagine spending another day at her desk, Jayelon is … back at her desk. Today’s post features teacher check-ins and ghost stories, with a guest appearance from handwashing. Let’s jump...

Deskwarming Diaries #1

Another day, another round of deskwarming. My school, like many others, closed suddenly on Monday due to Covid-19. Students are not allowed at school except to retrieve textbooks they want to study from or to take things home. Parents shouldn’t enter. Teachers…. still have to come to work...