Tag - English Teacher

Deskwarming Diaries #21

Welcome to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries, where an ALT enters her last year of teaching. This post features plenty of highlights, some updates, CPR training, and an earthquake drill. Let’s jump in! First, the highlights: In elementary school, I’m teaching the kids a handful...

Deskwarming Diaries #19

Welcome to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries, where an ALT fought back tears at her school’s graduation ceremony and is deskwarming her way through spring break. This post features a look at graduation ceremonies in Japan, an update on the interview, and the return of warm...

Deskwarming Diaries #17

Welcome to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries, where an ALT can’t think of anything else but going home to her watercolors. This post features my principal, an update on Hunter, an earthquake, and watercolors. Let’s jump in! Highlights As always, first are the highlights: Oh, my...

Deskwarming Diaries #9

Welcome to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries, where an ALT wonders why she is still deskwarming even though the world is shutting down. This post sees some coronavirus updates, with a guest appearance from a stuffed hedgehog. Let’s jump in!

Coronavirus Confusion: Japan and Covid-19

Hi everyone! Instead of doing another Deskwarming Diaries, I wanted to take some time and talk about the current Covid-19 situation in Japan. I feel like a lot of people back home aren’t really aware of what’s going on here; this post is for you! What’s the situation? Well, while the rest...