Tag - Covid-19

Index cards filled with songs. Happy Deskwarming!

Deskwarming Diaries #4

Welcome to another edition of Deskwarming Diaries, where a bored-out-of-her-mind ALT struggles to find something to do until lunch time. Today’s post features chashu pork and phonics confusion. Let’s jump in!

Deskwarming Diaries #3

Welcome back to another edition of the Deskwarming Diaries! After taking Monday off because she couldn’t imagine spending another day at her desk, Jayelon is … back at her desk. Today’s post features teacher check-ins and ghost stories, with a guest appearance from handwashing. Let’s jump...

Deskwarming Diaries #1

Another day, another round of deskwarming. My school, like many others, closed suddenly on Monday due to Covid-19. Students are not allowed at school except to retrieve textbooks they want to study from or to take things home. Parents shouldn’t enter. Teachers…. still have to come to work...

Mask Shortages

Hi everyone! Today marks about two months into flu season at my school, and we’ve suddenly come upon a problem: mask shortages! In Japan, masks are a much more common sight than in America, and people wear them for a number of reasons. The most common ones are either you’re sick and are...